######### Contributor ARCHIVE #########

Antoine Balzeau

Antoine Balzeau is a researcher at the CNRS and at the Musée national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN) in Paris. He studies the evolution of human morphology in prehistoric man, and is particularly interested in the internal characteristics of fossils, especially the form of the skull and the cerebellum. He is a co-developer of the technical platform AST-RX (Accès Scientifique à la Tomographie à Rayons X) for the MNHN (UMS 2700 OMSI), which offers imaging services for the natural sciences. He collaborates with the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium, and is editor in chief of Bulletins et Mémoires of the Anthropological Society of Paris.


Copyright © Inference 2025

ISSN #2576–4403