######### Contributor ARCHIVE #########

Richard Chacon

Richard Chacon is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Winthrop University. He conducts anthropological investigations throughout the Americas. His main research projects have concerned the subsistence patterns and belief systems of the Yanomamö of Venezuela, the Yora of Peru, and the Achuar (Shiwiar) of Ecuador; the traditional belief patterns of the Kuna of Panama; and ritual violence among the Otavalo and Cotacachi Indians of Highland Ecuador and the Haida of British Columbia, with a focus on the emergence of social inequality in trans-egalitarian societies. He currently serves as the editor for Springer’s Anthropology and Ethics Series and co-organizes the Warfare, Environment, Social Inequality and Pro-Sociability Biennial Conference in Seville, Spain.


Copyright © Inference 2024

ISSN #2576–4403