######### Contributor ARCHIVE #########

Stanley Deser

Stanley Deser was born in 1931 in Poland and underwent a tumultuous nomadic first decade, which ended with flight from the Nazis as they overran Paris. Leaving from Portugal on a flimsy cargo ship in 1941, he eventually reached the United States. He earned a PhD in physics at Harvard University and spent four postdoc years at the Institute for Advanced Study and the Niels Bohr Institute. Following a year’s instructorship at Harvard, he went to Brandeis University and then California Institute of Technology. His honors include the Dannie Heineman Prize, two honorary doctor of science degrees, membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, membership in the National Academy of Sciences, and acceptance as a Foreign Member in the Royal Society. He recently began a career in literature, though he still hangs in at physics research. His autobiography, Forks in the Road, is published by World Scientific.


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