######### Issues INDEX #########


Volume 4, Issue 1

May 31, 2018

May 31, 2018

Critical Essays

Short Notes

Book Reviews

Experiment Reviews


Letters to the Editors

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Physical Mathematics [short_description] The two fields of physics and mathematics have always been intimately mixed. Even when explored independently, abstract mathematics often later found applications in the natural world.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### A Remarkable Connection [short_description] The bridge between mathematics and physics was a one-way street, with physicists using mathematical results to solve physics problems. Then string theory opened the bridge to two-way communication.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### The Mathematics of the Universe [short_description] Here is an answer to the question of why the relationship between mathematics and physics has been so active and productive during the last four decades, whereas before the two were almost divorced.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### An Ode to Ugly Physics [short_description] The deepest and most far-reaching ideas of physics are not the most elegant or beautiful, but the ideas that are confusing, not rigorous, or, in fact, utterly incomprehensible to mathematicians.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On the Ising Model [short_description] In the last 75 years, physicists have solved the 2D Ising model of ferromagnetism in numerous ways. The solutions may be combinatorial, algebraic, or analytic—but all come to the same result.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Closed Timelike Curves and Singularities [short_description] Discovered in 1949 by Kurt Gödel, the homogeneous rotating universe model contains closed timelike curves and therefore allows for travel into the past, accompanied by all its paradoxes.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Beyond Gödel’s Time [short_description] The Gödel space-time model displays an intrinsic rotation of matter, which is responsible for some fascinating characteristics. It is a theoretical model of a possible, though not the actual, universe.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Big History, Little Value [short_description] Yuval Noah Harari’s Homo Deus should be read, not as a sequence of vatic pronouncements, but as a range of thought experiments—admittedly chilling ones—and as prophecies that may come true.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On Development and Evolution [short_description] The author of Behaving: What’s Genetic, What’s Not, and Why Should We Care? comments on developmental processes and the strength of evolutionary explanations for behavior.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On Cognitive Evolution [short_description] The author outlines some philosophical advances that Frans de Waal has made in relation to scientific methodology and our understanding of cognitive evolution.


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ISSN #2576–4403