Articles of interest from across the scientific community.
New from the JWST: Nine billion light years away lies the “Sparkler Galaxy,” home to what might be the first stars in the universe …
You must remember this: If consciousness were simply a memory system, the perceived present would be but a reflection of the past …
It’s all connected, man! A review of conspiracy theory articles reveals a web of self-reinforcing beliefs between seemingly separate incidents …
Jesuit polymath Ferdinand Verbiest rebuilt the Beijing Imperial Observatory in 1673, before designing the first car—the Verbiest model …
Turns out that Freeman Dyson was a master raconteur, as shown in this correspondence between the physicist and Jeremy Bernstein …
They hear you, they just don’t care: A cat knows when their owner directs speech at them, but this does not mean that they will obey …
Do you laugh at your own jokes? Why the brain shuts off the hysterical response when it comes to self-tickling …
Should have listened to mom: Tattoos are now ubiquitous, yet dangerous components in their inks have long escaped study …
The invasion of rabbits in Australia was triggered by one sole introduction of a suitably wild genotype …
Skid mural: Walls made from recycled tires packed with earth are as solid as concrete. Tomorrow? Tire houses …
Shred to impress: Dexterity and speed in straight, male guitarists predicts a desire to impress other men, rather than bed women …
This year’s Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded for work in demonstrating the violation of Bell inequalities …
Svante Pääbo has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for retelling humanity’s history through ancient DNA …
Caught up in the buzz: Magnetic fields from submarine electric cables produce wayward haddock larvae …
Honeycomb means hard labor. The exact process of how bees work their comb was little understood—until now …
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