Articles of interest from across the scientific community.
How does an artist draw plants that have been extinct for millennia, when those who study these plants are none the wiser? …
Consumption of olive oil, a cornerstone of the much-vaunted Mediterranean diet, is linked to longer lifespan in a 28-year study …
A tiny testimony to Einstein’s time dilation: Researchers have observed time ticking differently in nuclear clocks mere millimeters apart …
With written sources being patchy at best, historical pollen counts are coughing up more data about the Black Death’s mortality rate …
Gamers will tell you: finding the perfect line around the track in Gran Turismo is not simple. As it turns out, it’s not so complicated for an AI agent …
Sick of Earth? Seeking new horizons? Proxima Centauri d might be the place for you. Oceans of liquid water await interstellar colonizers …
Blink and it’s hot. The outer atmosphere of the Sun is far hotter than the Sun’s surface due to the magnificently quick Alfvén waves …
Homo sapiens are thought to have arrived in Europe 44,000 years ago. New findings suggest that some turned up to the party a little early …
In 2007, atmospheric methane levels accelerated dramatically. A warming planet might be behind this dire forecast for yet more warming …
While much discussed and plenty theorized, the death of a red supergiant, and explosion into a supernova, had never been witnessed. Until now …
In the frontline of the battle against superbugs, highly trained armies of viruses are helping to fight infections in patients’ wounds …
Water, water, everywhere, but in what form? Evidence has emerged for a liquid–liquid phase transition in that most valuable yet ubiquitous fluid …
Your friendly pet hamster: Cute? Surely. Deadly? Most certainly. Miniature masks must be made mandatory for the pests! …
In the pre-Columbian Andes, hallucinogens were the reserve of the priests, with psychotropic experiences reinforcing their exclusionary power …
Astronomers have found the Goldilocks of black holes—not too big, not too small, just intermediate. It inhabits the center of a stripped nucleus …
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