Articles of interest from across the scientific community.
Don’t like your hand? Chop it off and grow another. What has been true for lizards might soon be so for humans …
Don’t overthink it. Those eureka moments arise not through rational thought, but mysterious epiphanies and moments of enlightenment …
For fusion energy to work, it must create more heat than it requires. This means that the plasma must be made to heat itself …
In the early nineteenth century we talked rot. Then from 1850 to 1980 we slowly gained meaning. Nowadays we are twaddling once more …
David Graeber and David Wengrow’s attempt to rewrite the history of humanity suffers from serious shortcomings, according to Walter Scheidel …
In fair Takasakiyama, a female macaque, Yakei, has violently usurped power in her tribe, yet a lover may be her final undoing …
As David is to Goliath, the humble broccoli is to cancer. A molecule found in various greens has been found to induce cell death in cancers …
Named after the Aztec god of fire and lightning, Xolotl, the axolotl is at risk. Its numbers in the wild are dwindling, in inverse proportion to its popularity …
Strange indeed: Strange metal behavior is found in a material in which electrical charge is carried not by electrons, but by boson Cooper pairs …
On the seafloor beneath the Antarctic lie tens of thousands of icefish nests. At 240km2, this is the largest observed fish breeding colony to date …
Light carbon isotopes found in Martian rocks could be the result of ultraviolet light, cosmic dust, or maybe even ancient microbial life …
The great hum of the universe. The first evidence of stochastic gravitational-wave background throughout the universe might have been found …
The US Army has declared war on COVID-19. With its new vaccine, they hope to obliterate the bug, and all its variants too …
The Liberian Vai script was invented in 1833. Its letters have been simplified over time, providing a present-day example of the evolution of writing …
New dating of the volcanic ash found near Omo I, the oldest Homo sapiens remains, shows her to be over 30,000 years older than previous estimates …
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