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Time Out Should researchers who study the origins of life take a time-out? James Tour says they should hit pause, in order to assess what they have accomplished, and what more is even possible to accomplish.
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The Siege of Paris In a response to Cedric Boeckx, Robert Berwick and Noam Chomsky defend their view of the human language faculty as a species-specific property, with no known group differences and little variation.
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A Crisis of Identification Almost a decade after claiming a proof of the abc conjecture, Shinichi Mochizuki’s work is stil debated. David Michael Roberts examines efforts by Peter Scholze and Jacob Stix to resolve the impasse.

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Long Live Longevity Controlling the life cycle of the body and avoiding cellular senescence, John Hewitt argues, will require controlling the nervous system and mitochondria distributed by it.
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Past Masters of the Postmodern There is a widespread sense, Simon Blackburn observes, that a number of philosophical theories have escaped the academic world, and, in the wild, are doing great harm. Chief among them: postmodernism.
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Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Broken symmetries encompass a large number of different phenomena occurring at different scales. Édouard Brézin examines how symmetry has become central to understanding the organization of the universe.

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One Euro, One Europe Sixty-seven monetary unions were formed between 1918 and 2012. They all failed. Will the European monetary union meet a similar fate? Gilles Dryancour assesses the Euro’s prospects for survival.
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The Standard Model The third and final installment in Sheldon Lee Glashow’s history of physics. In this essay Glashow examines a development in which he played a key role, the formulation of the Standard Model.
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Many Little Lives Claude Bernard was the first to propose the concept of homeostasis. J. Scott Turner discusses the ongoing negotiation and mutual accommodation between parts of an organism—its many little lives.


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