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A Truncated Manuscript In the mid-1980s, an enigmatic document began circulating in French mathematical circles. Pierre Schapira casts a critical eye over Alexander Grothendieck's Récoltes et Semailles, now published officially for the first time.
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The Year in Review
The Editors
As the end of the year approaches, we are delighted to present our second annual review, highlighting the essays that best represent our aims, ambitions, attitudes, and even our animadversions.
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On the Laser-Fusion Milestone On December 5, 2022, the National Ignition Facility recorded the first energy gain in fusion history. However, the prospect of fusion energy in the near future remains distant, writes Daniel Jassby.

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Planetary Intelligence Can the idea of intelligence as a collective property be extended to a planetary scale? A recent paper explores possible trajectories for the long-term evolution of inhabited planets, including our own.
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The Chinese Civil Examinations From the end of the sixth century onwards the written civil service examinations became a staple of life in Imperial China. Hilde de Weerdt retraces the development of the examination system.
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The Origins of Python Since its debut in 1991, Python’s accessibility and rich functionality has helped it gather a huge userbase. Its design was influenced by creator Guido van Rossum’s involvement with an earlier language, ABC.

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The Scent of Flavor It was only in the nineteenth century that flavor was recognized as a sensation distinct from taste. Linda Bartoshuk retraces our understanding of flavor, drawing from her life’s work on the topic.
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When Existence is Inefficient How hard is it to solve a problem when a solution is guaranteed to exist? It is to address questions like this that the theoretical computer scientist Christos Papadimitriou invented the complexity class PPAD.
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Counting in the Dark Satyendra Nath Bose was a legendary figure in twentieth century physics. Partha Ghose, a former student of Bose, pays tribute to a trailblazer who helped forge a new direction in quantum mechanics.


Copyright © Inference 2025

ISSN #2576–4403