######### Issues INDEX #########


Volume 2, Issue 4

December 31, 2016

December 31, 2016

Critical Essays

Review Essays

Short Notes

Book Reviews

Experiment Reviews


Letters to the Editors

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### A Hand-Waving Exact Science [short_description] Cosmology has evolved over the past few decades from a hand-waving qualitative discipline to what is more and more becoming an exact science. Max Tegmark’s work has been integral in this progression.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### The Galilean Style [short_description] For Ludwig Wittgenstein, the label “language” lumps together activities by reason of their overlapping similarities, their family resemblances. He saw no need to suppose any prevailing hidden unity.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Beneath the Surface [short_description] At the core of case lies an abstract, phonetically null Case. The authors discuss how Jean-Roger Vergnaud’s proposal regarding abstract Case enhanced the explanatory power of Universal Grammar.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On the Other Hand [short_description] The following remarks attempt to place Jean-Roger Vergnaud’s letter to Noam Chomsky and Howard Lasnik more centrally within the history of modern generative grammar from its inception to the present.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Who Is It Meant For? [short_description] Who is the intended audience of David Berlinski and Juan Uriagereka’s essay “Recovery of Case”?
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### An Ambivalent Amphibian [short_description] You are a fish, as Bret Weinstein notes in his piece on how to talk about organisms. Since mammals are nested within a broader clade that we nickname “fish,” we are indeed fish in that sense.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Grasping for Groups [short_description] Why do humans seem to have an intrinsic need to categorize and group similar items together? Our natural surroundings, with their splendid diversity of organisms, are not exempt from this habit of ours.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Tree-Thinking [short_description] In arguing that taxa are defined by ancestry and not by characters, Bret Weinstein makes a metaphysical leap that sells short the taxonomic work that allows claims about ancestors and evolution.


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ISSN #2576–4403