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The Yin and Yang of the Genome If viruses have killed their millions, they have blessed their millions, too. Tyler Hampton reviews Discovering Retroviruses: Beacons in the Biosphere, by Anna Marie Skalka.
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Only Connect Fibonacci numbers, cellular automata, and an extension of the Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem: Daniel Kleitman reviews highlights from a volume honoring the mathematician Ron Graham on his eightieth birthday.
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The Rise of the Architectural Cult In Making Dystopia: The Strange Rise and Survival of Architectural Barbarism, James Stevens Curl argues that modernist architecture is ill-adapted to human needs.

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The Discovery of Nuclear Fission When a Nobel Prize was awarded in 1944 for the discovery of nuclear fission, Lise Meitner should have been among the winners. Jeremy Bernstein reflects on Meitner’s life and accomplishments.
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A Quiet Revolutionary How do researchers determine evolutionary ancestry among species? The early twentieth-century German biologist Willi Hennig articulated revolutionary principles that remain entirely relevant today.
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A Personal Recollection The biochemist Kary Mullis will be remembered as the inventor of the polymerase chain reaction, a revolutionary method for copying segments of DNA. Richard Roberts fondly recalls time spent together.

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High Temperature Superconductivity Are lossless power transmission and magnetically levitated trains in our future? Only after we understand high-temperature superconductivity. Andrew Jordan reviews results by Sven Badoux et al.
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The Miracle of General Equilibrium If general equilibrium theory does not accurately explain what happens in the real world, then what does? Philip Pilkington casts a critical eye over the foundations of mainstream economics.
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A Hot Mess Rolf Landauer proposed a principle that is still used for calculating the minimum heat generated by a computing device. John Norton argues that these propositions are either unfounded or refutable.


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ISSN #2576–4403