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Evolution: A Theory in Crisis Revisited (Part One of Three) Despite many discoveries, orthodox evolutionary theory is no better able to explain innovations than it was 30 years ago. Michael Denton reappraises his 1985 book, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.
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Physical Theories and Computer Simulations in Climate Science There is no evidence that climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide concentration is as great as computer models have projected, says William Kininmonth. The predictions depend on flawed computer models.
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A Country Known Only by Name Mathematicians liken him to Einstein. Yet he is a figure of gossip and pity. Mathematician Pierre Cartier, Grothendieck’s colleague, offers a rational and honest appraisal the work and the man.

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The New View of Proteins Dan Tawfik’s biochemistry lab investigates the deepest questions in molecular evolutionary biology. But the answers may be beyond our grasp. Inference reviews Tawfik’s laboratory and literature.
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The Specter of Inequality The acclaim for Piketty’s Capital is a function of its utility to those who seek to legitimize the state’s intrusive ambitions. The book’s shortcomings are detailed by economist Henri Lepage.
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An Outbreak of Epidemiological Hysteria Malaria kills more per day than have died in total since the Ebola outbreak began. The WHO has predicted the epidemic’s wild growth—but ignored basic epidemiology. Ebola infections may have peaked.

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On Bohmian Mechanics
A remarkable email exchange between physicist Sheldon Goldstein, a persuasive exponent of the views of David Bohm, and Steven Weinberg, one of the founders of the Standard Model of particle physics.
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Alles Klar?
The Editors
An equation to predict happiness, dust polarization results, conflicts of interest, imperfect analogies, reinterpreting Milgram’s experiments, an imminent theory of consciousness, and more.


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ISSN #2576–4403