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The Beginning of the Universe The BGV theorem shows the universe must have had a beginning. Alexander Vilenkin describes the theory of quantum creation, and how the universe could have a beginning and also be uncaused.
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Consciousness Describing consciousness is hard. Can we characterize our experiences as thinking beings? Arthur Cody says no, but argues for the importance of the feelings that authorize us to initiate actions.
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The Subjective Statistician The big problem for Fisher/Bayesian statistics is subjectivity. Unifying Bayesian methods and Fisher significance tests, Paul Weirich has a theory of imprecise probabilities that resolves the problem.

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The Best of Times Has violence declined in the modern world? How can we tell? David Berlinski looks at medieval and modern homicide rates, the causes of war, plus statistics and probabilities, to argue the reverse.
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Strangely Convergent Sequences Math can be considered an interplay between finite and infinite collections and between discrete and continuous structures. Alexander Kharazishvili looks at convergent and divergent sequences.
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An Algorithmic God Can we think of DNA as a programming language and evolution as programming without a programmer? Gregory Chaitin proposes a new research program, applying software models to biology.

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Blinded by Love Any sense of the true power and beauty of mathematics is lost when alegbra and geometry are taught poorly. Or so Edward Frenkel argues in Love and Math. Edward Rothstein is less convinced.
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The Editors
Computational models of altruism, living in a simulation, replication problems, cognitive emotion regulation in antiquity, the evolution of information, self-testing prehistoric bacteria, and more.
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Evolution: A Theory in Crisis Revisited (Part Three of Three) Despite many discoveries, orthodox evolutionary theory is no better able to explain innovations than it was 30 years ago. Michael Denton reappraises his 1985 book, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.


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