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B-Meson Decay Particle physicist Joaquim Matias analyzes recent results from the Large Hadron Collider—in particular, rare decays of B-mesons—for evidence of New Physics.
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Three for the Road In this compendium piece, Jeremy Bernstein delves into the background and implications of ideas such as particle scattering, quantum entanglement, and the reality of Planck numbers.
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Finishing Physics Within physics, David LePoire argues, logistic development is apparent both in its subfields and the field as a whole; his logistic analysis suggests that one more stage is yet to come.

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Threads in the Tapestry of Physics From its ancient beginnings to the present day, Sheldon Lee Glashow takes us on an anecdotal journey along a few choice but interwoven strands of the magnificent tapestry that is physics.
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Physics on Edge After examining various theories of the multiverse, George Ellis concludes that lack of experimental proof is a scientific deal-breaker—and should remain so.
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Spin in Quantum Biology A discussion of chiral induced spin selectivity and the importance of electron spin in biological systems: long-range electron transfer, reactions involving multiple electrons, and bio-recognition.

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An Old Infirmity Can we learn to age well? Evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel looks at some worrying trends shaping current research and offers a note of caution for these approaches and interpretations.
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Matrix Madness Infinitesimally-small probabilities and synapse firings. Daniel Kleitman offers some mathematical objections to Nick Bostrom’s well-known paper, “Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?”
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An Open Letter to My Colleagues According to James Tour, the overwhelming complexity of biological life—the rich variety of saccharides and the complicated structure of the lipid bilayer—is beyond man’s ability to duplicate.


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ISSN #2576–4403