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Ptolemy versus Copernicus Between 1564 and his death in 1601, Tycho Brahe compared predictions made using the Ptolemaic and Copernican systems with his own. Frank Tipler examines the data Brahe recorded in his notebooks.
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Tōhoku Alexander Grothendieck’s 1957 paper, “Some Aspects of Homological Algebra,” also known as the Tōhoku paper, was a turning point in homological algebra, algebraic topology and algebraic geometry.
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Haldane’s Dilemma J. B. S. Haldane showed there is a limit to the rate of evolutionary change, but what about the complex adaptive differences between humans and chimpanzees? Chase Nelson examines the issues.

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Dust Astrophysicists search the cosmic microwave background for B-mode polarization. Sometimes they get overexcited. Umberto Cannella takes a look at what happened after the 2014 BICEP2 announcement.
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Big Neuroscience Modern neuroscience depends on huge computer-generated models and network diagrams of neuron circuits. If Big Data can offer new insights, this might be the place. Erik Larson criticizes such claims.
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The Perfect Language Mathematicians still believe in proofs, though Gödel and Turing showed that no axiomatic theory will include all mathematical truths. Gregory Chaitin reflects on algorithmic information theory.

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Say It Ain’t So
The Editors
An abundance of exoplanets, fat shaming, knowledge diffusion, links between genetics and infidelity, ideas that are both radical and simple, the purpose of long eyelashes, hormones and the financial markets, prehistoric notions of beauty, and more.
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The Hydrogen Bond That chemistry has been explained in terms of quantum theory is now received wisdom. Yet quantum physics is unable to predict or explain the strong association of water molecules in liquid or ice.
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Evolution: A Theory in Crisis Revisited (Part Two of Three) Despite many discoveries, orthodox evolutionary theory is no better able to explain innovations than it was 30 years ago. Michael Denton reappraises his 1985 book, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.


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ISSN #2576–4403