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The Mind in Its Place The mind is its own place, John Milton observed. But where is this place, and what is its structure? David Gelernter argues that our unwillingness to confront these questions has got us into trouble.
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The Science of Linguistics The French linguist Maurice Gross stressed formal procedures of empirical observation and systematic lexical studies. Generative grammar rejects, and corpus linguistics overlooks, both.
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Materialism or Nothing Brain research is intended to produce valuable results in medicine and information technology. Nevertheless, the contentions made by both some notable projects are not only unproven, but indefensible.

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Reproductive Disorders In biomedical research, good news is not only admired but indispensable. Negative results are less likely to be published; the trend is increasing at the rate of about 6% per year.
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Mind and Image The spectacular improvements in Positron Emission Tomography and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging over the last three decades have led researchers to a reconsideration of the brain and the mind.
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Free Will – Again In Free Will, Sam Harris argues that science has shown freedom of the will does not exist. Harris takes up one of the most complex debates in Western philosophy and trivializes it beyond recognition.

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Interstellar Science The promotion for Interstellar emphasized the film’s scientific credentials. Jean-Pierre Luminet examines how topics like fast-spinning black holes were depicted and notes some artistic license.
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A Natural History of Curiosity During the living centuries of the Arab empire, a series of stellar observatories glittered like jewels throughout the archipelago of its conquests. None more so than that created by Ulugh Beg.
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No Problem
The Editors
Dust and cosmic inflation, assessing Ebola outbreaks, proving and disproving evolution, pigeon learning patterns, GMOs in the wild, admitting plagiarism, impending doom for polar bears, and more.


Copyright © Inference 2025

ISSN #2576–4403