######### Issues INDEX #########


Volume 3, Issue 2

August 2, 2017

August 2, 2017

Critical Essays

Review Essays

Critical Notes

Short Notes

Book Reviews

Experiment Reviews

Letters to the Editors

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### More Galilean Challenges [short_description] The abilities of literacy and bilingualism are not attributes of geniuses alone but part of the normal condition. Idealizing them away from the language in the mind is an unrealistic simplification.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Logic and the Language Faculty [short_description] The capacity to draw nuanced inferences displays the complexity that appears with language. Grammar, with its capacity for recursion, seems necessary to unleash the full power of logic.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Invariant and Variable Properties [short_description] To match our success with invariant properties, it is time to find an alternative to parameter setting as an approach to variable properties. Rather than being parameterized, Universal Grammar is open.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Galileo’s Other Challenge [short_description] Detection of the effects of LF c-command precisely in accordance with prior predictions means that it is possible to put hypotheses about the language faculty to a rigorous empirical test.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On Class, Nationalism, and Labor [short_description] Neoliberalism must be reformed. But nothing can be achieved without an understanding of neoliberalism that does not reduce it to a reflection of the internationalized order of globally mobile capital.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### A Populist Plutocracy [short_description] Weberian analysis requires a battery of types to identify the historical specificity of a case. However, no framework, however inclusive, can ever account for the fluidity of historical dynamics.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### The Role of the Working Class [short_description] Most working-class Americans are not Trumpists, since most of them do not vote. The withdrawal of the working class from politics has created the conditions for the rise of the far right.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### The Politics of Pity [short_description] The starkly uneven consequences of globalized creative destruction have ravaged national working classes. In response, they have revolted politically—but to the right, not to the left.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### The Price of Internationalism [short_description] Bill Clinton’s liberalism of the 1990s had merely a de facto vision. Nothing to put on a banner and march beneath. Liberalism was slouching toward internationalism.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On National Identity [short_description] The excitement over the Obama and Sanders candidacies, predicated on diversity and openness as traditional unifying American values, suggests that the game is not yet up for American democracy.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On Class and Identity Politics [short_description] In political sociology, the poverty of the conclusions reached by venerable academics is the result of a failure to place a critical analysis of race at the heart of mainstream scholarship.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Our Evolving Identity [short_description] Occipital rocking in hominids can help clarify how the bony parts of the base of the skull rotate—a phenomenon that paleoanthropologists have not fully understood.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On Gödel’s Ontological Argument [short_description] How might a theist defend Gödelian modal ontological-arguments? Thomas Metcalfe details how this might be done, before offering the most dissuasive objections to such arguments.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### A Dozen Years of Misunderstanding [short_description] No one seems to understand anyone anymore. Daniel Everett does not understand Noam Chomsky. And Chomsky and his supporters do not understand Everett. The latter traces the root of this ongoing debate.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Case Recovered [short_description] Why do structural Cases exist in natural languages if they make no semantic contribution? This question is philosophical: formal languages lack the nuances that natural ones deploy.


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ISSN #2576–4403