######### Issues INDEX #########


Volume 6, Issue 3

September 14, 2021

September 14, 2021

Review Essays

Book Reviews

Letters to the Editors

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### A Theorem and a Paradox [short_description] Löb’s theorem and Curry’s paradox are two very closely related results in logic. Both are surprising, but one—Löb’s—is considered acceptable while the other—Curry’s—is not. In fact, both should fail.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On Skepticism and Ocean Dynamics [short_description] Two correspondents urge physicists to get more involved with climate science. The next generation of physicists should be convinced that this is not just good science, but fascinating science.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Needham’s Systematic Curiosity [short_description] That historians of science view Science and Civilisation in China as an outdated classic and non-expert readers approach it as an exotic encyclopedia would be quite to its founder’s disappointment.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Attention to Anomalies [short_description] According to Avi Loeb, the observed anomalies associated with the object known as ‘Oumuamua serve as a credible reason for considering its artificial origin.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### ‘Oumuamua and Interstellar Travel [short_description] Some see reason to believe ‘Oumuamua was an alien spacecraft. Others contend that even if life is ubiquitous in the galaxy, it is rather ill-equipped for interstellar travel.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### The Color Out of Space [short_description] Since the nineteenth century, astronomers have hypothesized the existence of interstellar comets. In every way that they expected the first interstellar comet to behave, ‘Oumuamua acted the opposite.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### A Brief History of the Muon [short_description] The theoretical and measured values of the muon magnetic moment anomaly have grown apart. Is this due to experimental error, or computational error, or to physics lying beyond the Standard Model?
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Universality in Self-Assembly Processes [short_description] A theoretical physicist responds to Michael Engel’s essay on a series of experiments on universality in self-assembly processes and the original research under review.


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