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A Continent Divided In Stalin and the Fate of Europe, Norman Naimark examines Joseph Stalin’s foreign policy objectives in early postwar Europe. In each of his seven case studies, Naimark focuses on how Stalin’s shifting strategies were shaped by local leaders who were anything but passive participants.
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The Secret Lives of DNA The discovery of the double helical structure of DNA is well known. But what of the discoveries of DNA itself and of its function as the material carrier of life’s instructions?
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Secrets Alex Wellerstein’s fascinating new book, Restricted Data, confirms what Jeremy Bernstein has long believed to be true: the information needed to make a nuclear weapon has been in circulation for a long time.

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Songlines Jeremy Bernstein’s book A Song for Molly is a fantasy in the form of fictional autobiography. He weaves around many seminal intellectual achievements in a delightful example of episodic storytelling.
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A Passage from India In Bland Fanatics, Pankaj Mishra reveals that in his thoughts on British imperialism, he is very much a member of the moral majority. Imperialism was, Mishra believes, evil in its consequences.
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Self-Made Richard Robb defines a category of actions that “are neither rational nor irrational, but rather one-time acts of will that no one, not even the individual who undertakes them, can predict.”

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From Genes to Genomes In his review of Genome Chaos: Rethinking Genetics, Evolution, and Molecular Medicine by Henry Heng, James Shapiro charts the history of the ideas Heng furnishes, and applauds his novel approach.
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Evolution in Revolution With The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life, Paul Davies joins the distinguished company of physicists who have contributed to fundamental biology.
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Rethinking Justice What drives humans to commit inhuman acts? Alexander Laban Hinton looks for answers in Man or Monster? The Trial of a Khmer Rouge Torturer and The Justice Facade: Trials of Transition in Cambodia.


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ISSN #2576–4403