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On the Laser-Fusion Milestone On December 5, 2022, the National Ignition Facility recorded the first energy gain in fusion history. However, the prospect of fusion energy in the near future remains distant, writes Daniel Jassby.
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The Kilogram Prior to 2018, the standard for the kilogram was a platinum alloy cylinder created in 1889 and stored in Paris. In this note, Jeremy Bernstein explains how the kilogram is now defined using fundamental constants.
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Before Before More than most laymen, physicists are floored by the idea of the Big Bang. They are confounded also by the structures that govern the resulting universe. They know too much not to feel mystified.

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Old Age and Creativity Physics seems to have no very old top-tier contributors. The field’s greatest giants have either died young, stopped meaningful work well before they died, or changed fields mid-career.
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Access All Areas Paleoanthropology’s traditional working methods, Antoine Balzeau argues, are no longer effective—especially when modern technology offers researchers more efficient means of analysis and archiving.
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Charged Interactions In a seven-year period, Jeremy Bernstein had three memorable interactions with the physicist Wendell Furry. In one instance, Bernstein was present when Furry testified before Senator Joseph McCarthy.

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A Letter The February 15, 1939, issue of the Physical Review included a letter by Niels Bohr entitled “Resonance in Uranium and Thorium Disintegration and the Phenomenon of Nuclear Fission.”
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Three for the Road In this compendium piece, Jeremy Bernstein delves into the background and implications of ideas such as particle scattering, quantum entanglement, and the reality of Planck numbers.
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Finishing Physics Within physics, David LePoire argues, logistic development is apparent both in its subfields and the field as a whole; his logistic analysis suggests that one more stage is yet to come.


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