######### Issues INDEX #########


Volume 5, Issue 2

May 4, 2020

May 4, 2020

Critical Essays

Review Essays

Book Reviews

Experiment Reviews



Special Reports

Letters to the Editors

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### The Hidden Costs of Good Eats [short_description] In the modern world, we never eat alone. Each bite we take is accompanied by another form of consumption: the energy and materials devoured by the machines and technology that sustain our economy.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On the Mind–Machine Problem [short_description] In any formal sense, based on Gödel’s incompleteness theorems, it is difficult to conclude that the mind is anything more than a machine. But still something about the theorems invites one to wonder…
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Chlorine and Seawater [short_description] The inert chloride ion has an exceedingly long residence time and high concentration in the ocean. It accumulated over 120 million years or so, mainly from inputs such as rivers and volcanoes.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### On Ocean Chemistry [short_description] The author finds little correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and global temperature, and no evidence in the geological record that the oceans have regulated the climate by absorbing CO2.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Liminality and Human Rights [short_description] Periods of liminality are moments in which cultural norms can be questioned, different values adopted, and social structures refashioned. A liminal approach to human rights history is revealing…
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### A False Promise of Progress [short_description] An architect examines the consequences of architectural modernism in the developing country of Peru, where the conferences Walter Gropius held were enormously influential.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Architects as Physicians [short_description] One hundred years ago, Sir Patrick Geddes coined the term “conservative surgery” when speaking of urban planning. Today it should be a mission to recast architects as physicians.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### The Origins of Architectural Barbarism [short_description] Architectural barbarism, better known as modern architecture, never made any sense, nor did it fulfill any need or provide any benefits. Stranger still are the events that led to its survival…
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### An Obsolete Ideology [short_description] The most charitable thing to say about those working in architectural professions is that we are like medieval doctors in the age of potions and bloodletting, awaiting the arrival of our germ theory.

######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Hennig, Phylogenetics, and Evolution [short_description] Around 520 BCE, Xenophanes observed that people’s concepts of their gods are reflections of themselves. So it is with scientists we admire. Andrew Brower has put his own assumptions onto Willi Hennig.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### An Unfinished Revolution [short_description] The revolution in systematics begun by Willi Hennig is unfinished and, unless biologists abandon goals that have been central to the discipline for centuries, its completion ought to be a top priority.
######### Card Letter *XXX* ######### Hennig, History, and Hubris [short_description] Rather than with Darwin or even Hennig, a more fitting context to understand cladistics can be found in the work of Linnaeus and the many others who studied what a natural classification might be.


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ISSN #2576–4403