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The Social Cetaceans Though separated from humans by tens of millions of years of independent evolution, whales and dolphins are recognizably like us, if only in ways that we can sense but cannot quite measure.
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From Genes to Genomes In his review of Genome Chaos: Rethinking Genetics, Evolution, and Molecular Medicine by Henry Heng, James Shapiro charts the history of the ideas Heng furnishes, and applauds his novel approach.
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Evolution in Revolution With The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life, Paul Davies joins the distinguished company of physicists who have contributed to fundamental biology.

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Rethinking Justice What drives humans to commit inhuman acts? Alexander Laban Hinton looks for answers in Man or Monster? The Trial of a Khmer Rouge Torturer and The Justice Facade: Trials of Transition in Cambodia.
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Madness in Numbers Theodore Porter’s book Genetics in the Madhouse describes the somewhat surprising origins of the study of human heredity in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century lunatic asylums.
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Beyond Dignity Pico della Mirandola is today wrongly considered “a prophet of human dignity”—a title that Brian Copenhaver believes was thrust upon the Renaissance philosopher through the lens of subsequent ideas.

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The Origin of Novel Genes A series of studies finds that novel genes do not accumulate with Darwinian gradualism in the phylogeny, but can be gained through radical overhauls. How this might be accomplished is a mystery.
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The Internal Language of Proteins Could proteins share a common language across the major branches of life? A new paper investigates the arrangements of protein domains, considering them as a kind of ordered grammar.
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Sights Unseen Can we make mice see the invisible? Renaud Bachelot reviews new developments in the emergent field of nano-optics and nanophotonics—particularly, results which explore making infrared visible to mice.


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ISSN #2576–4403