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In Memoriam The great theoretical physicist Murray Gell-Mann passed away on May 24, 2019. Sheldon Lee Glashow pays tribute to his mentor, champion, and friend.
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The Fourth State of Water What is water that is not ice, liquid, or vapor? Marc Henry explains the unfolding discovery of water’s elusive fourth state, which could bring a revolution for biology and medicine.
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Access All Areas Paleoanthropology’s traditional working methods, Antoine Balzeau argues, are no longer effective—especially when modern technology offers researchers more efficient means of analysis and archiving.

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The Siege of Paris In a response to Cedric Boeckx, Robert Berwick and Noam Chomsky defend their view of the human language faculty as a species-specific property, with no known group differences and little variation.
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A Crisis of Identification Almost a decade after claiming a proof of the abc conjecture, Shinichi Mochizuki’s work is stil debated. David Michael Roberts examines efforts by Peter Scholze and Jacob Stix to resolve the impasse.
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Long Live Longevity Controlling the life cycle of the body and avoiding cellular senescence, John Hewitt argues, will require controlling the nervous system and mitochondria distributed by it.

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Lost in Space Sending to humans into space, Michael Fumento argues, is an enormous waste of time, money, and resources. There is little to be gained and previous claimed benefits have not amounted to much.
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Long Lost Love In Lost in Math, Sabine Hossenfelder claims physics has been led astray. Sheldon Lee Glashow replies that if physics has indeed been derailed, beauty, although it may be at issue, is not at fault.
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Kept in Mind When it comes to the neuroprocessing of language, Juan Uriagereka argues, we know more than we knew, but less than we had hoped. Angela Friedrici’s Language in Our Brain is a case in point.


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