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Past Masters of the Postmodern There is a widespread sense, Simon Blackburn observes, that a number of philosophical theories have escaped the academic world, and, in the wild, are doing great harm. Chief among them: postmodernism.
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Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Broken symmetries encompass a large number of different phenomena occurring at different scales. Édouard Brézin examines how symmetry has become central to understanding the organization of the universe.

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One Euro, One Europe Sixty-seven monetary unions were formed between 1918 and 2012. They all failed. Will the European monetary union meet a similar fate? Gilles Dryancour assesses the Euro’s prospects for survival.
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Quantum Leaps There is, thoughtful students agree, no entirely satisfactory interpretation of quantum mechanics. Jeremy Bernstein examines John Bell’s discontent with the standard formulations of quantum mechanics.
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Dialectics of Darkness On the persistence of magic in modernity: Egil Asprem reviews The Myth of Disenchantment: Magic, Modernity, and the Birth of the Human Sciences by Jason Josephson-Storm.

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Not So Real On the interpretation of quantum mechanics: Sheldon Lee Glashow reviews What Is Real? The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics by Adam Becker.
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Nature and the Babylonians How did the ancient Mesopotamians conceive of nature and science? Daryn Lehoux reviews a new account, Before Nature: Cuneiform Knowledge and the History of Science, by Francesca Rochberg.
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Fodor’s Legacy The publication of a new volume on the work of the philosopher and cognitive scientist Jerry Fodor is an opportunity to reflect on his enduring legacy. David Lobina assesses Fodor’s contributions and ideas.


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ISSN #2576–4403