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An Antique Land Benjamin Thierry reviews Minitel: Welcome to the Internet by Julien Mailland and Kevin Driscoll. The French Minitel project, according to the authors, was much, much more than simply a public works project gone awry.
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Psychological Fidelity Never a mathematical star during his lifetime, Emil Post created and pursued his research ideas largely on his own. Allyn Jackson describes Post’s tragic life and an array of remarkable contributions.
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Genes within Genes A new study, “Russian Doll Genes and Complex Chromosome Rearrangements in Oxytricha trifallax,” casts fresh light on gene nesting and mathematical patterns. Tyler Hampton examines the key findings.

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The Standard Model The third and final installment in Sheldon Lee Glashow’s history of physics. In this essay Glashow examines a development in which he played a key role, the formulation of the Standard Model.
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Many Little Lives Claude Bernard was the first to propose the concept of homeostasis. J. Scott Turner discusses the ongoing negotiation and mutual accommodation between parts of an organism—its many little lives.
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Black as Death A new account argues for the importance of climate and disease as forces shaping medieval Europe. Monica Green offers a detailed critique and reviews new research into the origins of the Black Death.

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Woit’s Way Peter Woit’s book Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations is based on a series of lectures that he gave at Columbia University. Woit is a fine teacher. Andrew Jordan finds much to admire.
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The Grand Illusion Daniel Dennett has a knack for telling many scientists what they want to hear: nothing in philosophy might cause them to lose sleep. They are right not to lose sleep, but not for the reasons provided.
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Hogamous, Higamous In Testosterone Rex, Cordelia Fine assesses the behavior of men and women as a manifestation of ancient evolutionary urges. Robert Dunn argues culture also plays a role in gender variation.


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ISSN #2576–4403