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Greek to a Greek Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis did his best to hold off demands for reforms and austerity. His account of those efforts, Adults in the Room, makes for a strange but indispensable book.
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Inevitability and Eternity In The Road to Unfreedom, Timothy Snyder details efforts by Russia to exert influence on the democratic processes in the West. Paweł Machcewicz shares Snyder’s concerns about the scale of the problem.
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Freud in Kigali Why do torture, violation, and degradation take place during genocides and mass atrocities? Omar Shahabudin McDoom reviews The Macabresque by Edward Weisband.

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Prophesying War David Winter’s Roots of War attempts to understand the factors that contribute to the escalation of conflicts. Jason Quinn and Laurel Stone scruple at Winter’s methodology and interpretations.
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The Language of the Third Reich The philologist and diarist Victor Klemperer documented the perversion of the German language under the Nazis in Lingua Tertii Imperii. Jörg Riecke examines Klemperer’s life and lasting significance.
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Water and Its Mysteries There are few things, Marc Henry observes, that modern science does not understand. One is consciousness; the other is water. The behavior of water at supercooled temperatures is a case in point.

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Charged Interactions In a seven-year period, Jeremy Bernstein had three memorable interactions with the physicist Wendell Furry. In one instance, Bernstein was present when Furry testified before Senator Joseph McCarthy.
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A Statement by the Editors
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