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A Lonely Universe Is anybody out there? Likely not. The occurrence of intelligent life on Earth is moot when modeling for its likelihood on other planets.
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Old Age and Creativity Physics seems to have no very old top-tier contributors. The field’s greatest giants have either died young, stopped meaningful work well before they died, or changed fields mid-career.
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In Memoriam: Myriam Sarachik Myriam Sarachik passed away on October 7, 2021. Her work on the Kondo effect, the metal-insulator transition, and quantum tunneling in molecular magnets are highlights in her research career.

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Much Ado About Nothing Recent research by Jiménez, Gibard, and Krishnamurthy is further evidence, if any were needed, that eminent synthetic chemists—and scientists in general—remain clueless about life’s origins.
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Americans at Armageddon Eric Cline’s book Digging Up Armageddon tells the story of an archeological team from the University of Chicago that began digging at Megiddo during the mid-1920s.
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A Christmas Chrestomathy
The Editors
As the year draws to a close, we are delighted to present our second annual Christmas Chrestomathy, highlighting the essays that best represent our aims, ambitions, attitudes, and even our animadversions.

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Quanta of the Third Kind Theoretical insights and recent experimental results in anyon physics are leading physicists to revise and expand their ideas about what quantum-mechanical particles are and how they behave.
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Outsmarting the Virus Variants in the SARS-CoV-2 virus control infectivity, severity, and immunity. Against this hydra, the best modes of defense are multipronged. John Hewitt takes stock of currently available therapies.
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A Physicist’s Journey Physicists skeptical about climate science are an anomaly in the scientific community. In his recent book, Lawrence Krauss seeks to bridge the chasm between physics and climate science.


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ISSN #2576–4403