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States of War In the aftermath of the First World War, new nations sprang up in central and eastern Europe. If their creation marked the end of one conflict, it also marked the initiation of many others.
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Primate Memory Our closest living relatives in the animal world are fascinating creatures. The primatologist Tetsuro Matsuzawa recounts striking aspects of his work on primates, memory, and the evolution of the human mind.
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Muons and New Physics The muon was unexpected when observed in 1936. “Who ordered that?” Isidor Rabi asked. To this day, the muon still surprises physicists. It points to evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model.

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Löb’s Theorem and Curry’s Paradox If a sentence says of itself that it is true, or, in any case, provable, then there is a logical inconsistency when proving this statement. Martin Löb and Haskell Curry examined this question.
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Interstellar Overdrive ‘Oumuamua was the first known interstellar object to visit the solar system. Extraterrestrial tries to make the case for ‘Oumuamua as a lightsail spacecraft created by extraterrestrial intelligence.
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Giant Viruses and the Tree of Life When the first giant virus was discovered, it was misidentified as a bacterium because it was much larger than any known virus at that time. Ever since, biologists puzzle over how to classify them.

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Metallic Hydrogen For over eighty years, scientists have been trying to produce metallic hydrogen. In that process, diamond anvils must withstand pressures greater than those at the center of the earth—no mean feat.
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Expertise Unheeded In responding to pandemics, members from the middle levels of the US government have tried, usually futilely, to get the appointees above them to do the right thing, or merely to pay attention.
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On Science and Civilisation in China From the time the first volumes of Science and Civilisation in China were published in the 1950s, it forced the world to acknowledge early Chinese scientific and technological achievements.


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